Send CV to MANGO

send resume to MANGO

MANGO was opened in 1984 in Barcelona, from where it took offó to the entire world with its garments aimed at the púfeminine war –although recently they have included collections for men and womenños–.

They are internationalizationón startedó on 1992, with the opening of two stores in Portugal –by then, they already had 100 throughout Spainña–.

From garlicí, enjoyed spectacular growth, both locally and internationally.

Currently there are más de 16 thousand employees –4.000 of which isán in Spainña– and ones 2.700 locales.

¡They are all a ésuccess of the fashion industry!

Because, learn cómo send your Curría little bit of Life to HANDLE and yesé part of this huge franchise.

Check the vacancies MANGO

Like any big fashion brand, MANGO has a section in its páspecific targeted web pageífically to attract human talent.

To enter él, starts with enter to and go down to the end of your homepage –don't see their offers much, that we are planning to get a job, not to spend money–.

locate the link Work with us click thereéalo.

Emplétie in handle

Immediately, the system will send youá a la dryóMANGO employment no., where to findás a search engine to enter a keyword, while you canás filter your results by locationón geográfica.

Job Seeker at Mango

Nevertheless, can you scanñar in their already published offers if you click on the link “See all MANGO offers”.

Allí getás all the vacancies that the company has worldwide –we recommend you enter the word “España” in the search engine to see only the offers that interest you–.

when you find something you like, click.

It will be displayedán the details of the position and viewás the botón “Request” at the end of the informationón.

job offer at Mango

When you click it, the system will give youá the opción to raise your curríin different forms, así how to include a cover letterón.

Envía tu curríass

Upload the file and hit next.

Work at Mango

Later, fill out a form with your informationón personal and languages ​​you speak.

Check that the data isén correct and, if lo isán, hit the botón “Send request”.

Tu currítail será sent to MANGO's human resources department and just subtractá wait for your call.

Sé patient, don't be discouraged.

¡Intéput it today!

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