Send Curriculum to Valor

Send Currículum a valoriza

Values is dedicated to providing maintenance services, cleaning, mobility and managementón de residuos en ciudades y pueblos de toda España –lo que te brinda una idea muy concisa de la labor de esta compañía–.

Nevertheless, saying this falls short of its actual proportions.

Verás, Valoriza belongs to a business group present in 30 países y que, ever, was part of the IBEX35nada mal para una empresa poco conocida entre el público general–.

Its parent company is the Sacyr group, that has some 8.000 empleados y factura cientos de millones de euros cada añO en proyectos de construcción y mantenimiento de infraestructuras.

Its dimensions are typical of a multinational.

Además, continuamente están a la caza de nuevos talentos para enriquecer su nómina, por lo que son una excelente opción para probar suerte.

Because, learn cómo send your Curría little bit of Life Values right now.


From Values ​​to Sacyr

Comencemos por lo más báphysical, entering the Valoriza website:

Nevertheless, su sitio solo nos servirá de trampolín para ingresar al portal de servicios del grupo Sacyr.

For it, in the Página de inicio de Valoriza localiza el logotipo Smart –así tal cual como está escrito–, located at the top of the homepage.

Valoriza homepage

Clickéalo para entrar a

Allí, meetás un segundo logo denominado Sacyr Services, sobre el que tendrás que clicar.

homepage Smart

In doing so, to enterás al portal de servicios de Sacyr, donde verás varios enlaces en la barra superior de la página.

Dutyás fijarte en el link Employment Channel and click.

El sistema te arrojará al apartado de empleo de la página –aunque todavía no estarás en la web de postulación de candidaturas–.

In this sectionón descubrirás un único enlace principal llamado Canal Empleo Sacyr. Si pasas el cursor del ratón sobre él, mayás clicar en Ver toda la información”.

informationón de empleo en valoriza

In doing so, de inmediato serás redirigido al sitio dondeahora sí– mayás ver las ofertas disponibles, así como aplicar a ellas.

Find a Sacyr vacancy

En esta nueva página casesás tres enlaces principales:

  • Experienced professionals
  • Sayén titulados
  • Fellows
work options at Valoriza

La elección dependerá de tu perfil. Escoge aquel que te resulte más adecuado.

In our case, we will choose “Experienced professionals”.

El portal empezará a cargar las vacantes disponibles, al tiempo que dispondrás de un buscador para filtrar tus resultados por palabras clave o ubicación.

job seeker at Valoriza

Consigue una que te guste y dale al botón “Apply”.

The system will ask youá que ingreses tu Sacyr user.

Of not having it, click on Nuevo Usuario.

Sign up for Valoriza

Register with an account and apply again for the vacancy. Esta vez tendrás que subir tu currítail, preferably in PDF.

Así, ya solo te quedará esperar la respuesta de recursos humanos y prepararte para una posible entrevista.


9 thoughts on “Send Curriculum to Valor”

  1. Good evening, I am an assistant and I have worked for 8 years in a residence and 5 years taking care of two elderly people in external. I would like to work with you from Monday to Friday tomorrow

  2. Hola,I am Magnolia Fernández. I have been employed by substitution of this company in a previous time. Therefore I would like to know if there is a vacancy. Thank you very much.

  3. Hi, I'm Veronica and I'm interested in working as a home help from Monday to Friday.. Thank you very much for your attention

    • Hello Veronica. If you want to start working now, I invite you to visit the logistics section of our website and choose the job that you like the most. remember to have your updated resume on hand and follow the instructions to apply for the job. Cheers

  4. Hello I would like to work with you, I have experience 2 years working with a freelancer in gardens. I really want to work and I am a hard worker. I can work every day except Tuesday and Wednesday when I study.

    • Hi Sara. if you have experience, I invite you to visit the services section of our website and choose the job that you like the most. remember to have your updated resume on hand and follow the instructions to apply for the job. Cheers

      • Hola,I would love to work with you. I am a family worker and I have more than 10 years of experience,I would like to send you my CV I have availability from this Tuesday 9/03/21 gracias

  5. Good morning, I am contacting you because I would like to be part of your company as a company concierge I live in the Pilar neighborhood and I would like to find a job in the senior center I have five years of experience in this sector I am fully available Thank you very much and greetings

  6. hello my name is mari carmen and i have wxpeeiencia hotels and everything that is related to the lumpieza greetings


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